About Kerianne

If Social Media confuses the heck outta you, then you’re in the right place.  I’m here to help you break it down into plain ‘ol English and show you how to make money using it.

I’m NOT one of those “social media bandwagoners” who saw this fad and decided to jump on the easy route to success by capitalizing on it.  My love for social media began in 2004, which is like 100 lifetimes ago on the Internet. I’m in my 30s, which means I’m not one of the young “kids” who just uses Facebook to post drunken pics of last weekend’s party.  My career in sales/marketing started a long time ago. It also means that I’m not too “old school” to be opposed to learning new technologies.  I especially love working with Baby Boomers so I can empower them to learn these new, amazing tools.

I am a Social Media enthusiast who didn’t realize until years later that when I filled out my first online dating profile, it would begin my journey of knowledge about social networking. Since then I have done business online and logged thousands of hours on  Facebook, MySpace (where it all started!), Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, FourSquare and Klout profiles, just to name a few.

I am a Marketing Coach who teaches business owners how to implement the powerful tools of Social Media to increase their bottom line.  I show others how they can build their brand, expand their business and also have fun with a new way of Marketing in today’s Internet-driven world.

I’m originally from Chicagoland and I graduated with honors with my B.S. in Advertising and Marketing from Bradley University in Peoria, IL.  I am now based in Los Angeles, CA, but can work wherever I can pull a wifi or 3G signal. 🙂

For more information and free training materials, please check out my website at www.MarketingMakesMeSmile.com.

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